Xianshou linglong (Wang, Meng, Bi, Guan and Sheng, 2014; Late Jurassic, the size of a chimpmunk) is a pre-multituberculate with a large traditional 3rd lower premolar and a multicusped double rooted incisor. The jaw joint was loose.
Sinobaatar lingyuanensis (Hu and Wang 2002, Early Cretaceous, rat-sized) is a small multituberculate close to Rugosodon. Several specimens are known. One jaw is inside the belly of a theropod.
Rugosodon eurasiaticus (Yuan et al. 2013, Late Jurassic, the size of a chimpmunk) is the oldest multituberculate and it is represented by a complete skeleton. Teeth and ankle evidence indicate it was an omnivore and arboreal.
Hu Y Wang YQ 2002. Sinobaatar gen nov: First multituberculate from the Jehol Biota of Liaoning, Northeast China. Chinese Science Bulletin 47(11): 933–938.
Meng Q-J, Grossnickle DM, Liu D, Zhang Y-G, Neander AI, Ji Q and Luo Z-X 2017. New gliding mammaliaforms from the Jurassic. Nature (advance online publication)
Yuan CX, Ji Q, Meng QJ, Tabrum AR, Luo ZX 2013. Earliest evolution of multituberculate mammals revealed by a new Jurassic fossil". Science 341 (6147): 779–783. doi:10.1126/science.1237970.