Argyrolagus palmeri (Ameghino 1904; Simpson 1970, Sanchez-Villagra and Kay 1997; Plio-Pleistocene)
Proargyrolagus bolivianus (Wolff 1984; Late Oligocene, GEOBOL/UF 27895)
Simpson 1970 reported, "Argyrolagids are marsupials but show no clear affinity with any others known. They probably arose from didelphids independently of other known families and
are distinct at the superfamily level, at
Sanchez-Villagra and Kay 1997 reported, "The Argyrolagidae are one of the most enigmatic extinct groups of South American mammals. " Some workers have questioned the marsupial affinities of this genus. This may be due to the absence of Interatherium from prior studies.
In the large reptile tree Porargyrolagus nests with Dromiciops, also from Bolivia. |