Milleretta rubidgei (Broom 1938) specimen RC14 Late Permian, ~3.5 cm skull length was derived from a sister to Saurorictus phylogenetically preceded Milleretta RC70 and Bolosaurus. Note that RC14 was probably a late survivor as its successors preceded it in the Early Permian.
Distinct from Saurorictus, the skull of RC14 had a lower maxilla and a smaller naris closer to the snout tip. A minor opening appeared at the top of the jugal. The frontals developed posterior processes. The occiput was slightly expanded.
Postcranially, we have to compare Milleretta to Cephalerpeton. there were half as many cervicals (possible misinterpretation?). The dorsal ribs had intercostal plates that widened them dorsally. The torso was wide and low.
On the palate, depressions marked the ectopterygoid/palatine border. The vomers were wider.
The scapula and coracoid were not coossified. The ilium was tall and without a posterior or anterior process. |