Carniadactylus rosenfeldi (Wild 1978) Norian, Late Triassic, ~205 mya was originally considered congeneric with Eudimorphodon, then a sister to Campylognathoides. Here Carniadactylus was derived from a sister to Peteinosaurus and phylogenetically preceded the MCSNB 8950 specimen attributed to Eudimorphodon. Much of the specimen is missing.
The robust mandible included some multi-cusped teeth.
Distinct from Peteinosaurus, the sternal complex of Carniadactylus was much longer, nearly pentagonal and extended as far as the bent elbow. The coracoid was short. Together these made a wider than tall torso.
The humerus was more robust, especially proximally, with a squared-off deltopectoral crest. Manual 4.1 extended almost to the elbow. Metatarsal 2 was was the longest. Pedal digits 3 and 4 were subequal. |