Pterodactylus? kochi (Wagner 1837 Ornithocephalus? kochi von Meyer 1859, B St ASXIX 3 (plate) SMF No. R 404 (counterplate), No. 23 of Wellnhofer 1970) was 2.5 times taller and derived from No. 12. No. 23 phylogenetically preceded Germanodactylus rhamphastinus, No. 64.
Distinct from No. 12, the skull of No. 23 was sharper, the jugal was deeper, the teeth were larger and the mandible was deeper.
The torso was deeper. The dorsal ribs were more robust. The sacrals were relatively larger.
Manual 4.3 approaches the elbow. The wing, when folded, barely reaches the top of the cervicals.
The pelvis was relatively larger.
Embryo pterosaurs indicate that juveniles were much more like the adults than prior workers guessed. Thus, smaller pterosaur specimens with with distinct morphologies are distinct taxa.
The family tree of the Ornithocephalia and Germanodactylia is here. The expanded family tree of the Pterosauria is here. Size comparisons between No. 23, No. 12 and No. 6 can be found here and here. |