Pteranodon skulls and sister taxa to scale and in phylogenetic order. Note the wide variety of morphology evident in these specimens set in a phylogenetic continuum. More than just two species are present here (contra Bennett 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2001). It is also likely that half of these specimens are female, but there is no apparent indication of gender. Larger crests developed from smaller crests and sometimes (figs. s-u) vice versa. A. Germanodactylus rhamphastinus B St AS I 745 (Wagner 1851; No. 64 of Wellnhofer 1970). B. Germanodactylus cristatus? SMNK-PAL 6592 (undescribed). C. Pterodactylus? kochi? B St 1878 VI 1 (Zittel 1882; No. 13 of Wellnhofer 1970). D. Eopteranodon lii BPV-078 (Lü & Zhang 2005).. E. Muzquizopteryx coahuilensis UNAM IGM 8621 (Frey et al. 2006). F. Nyctosaurus sternbergi (N. bonneri) FHSM VP 2148 (Bonner 1964, Miller 1972a). F2. KUVP 66130 (not employed in analysis). G. Nyctosaurus gracilis FMNH 25026 (Williston 1902a,b). H. Nyctosaurus gracilis? UNSM 93000 (Brown 1978). I. Nyctosaurus sp. KJ1 (Bennett 2003a, not employed in analysis). J. Nyctosaurus sp. KJ2 (Bennett 2003a, not employed in analysis). K. Pteranodon occidentalis (P. eatoni, P. sternbergi) YPM 1179 (Marsh 1876a). L. Pteranodon longiceps? FHSM VP 2183, formerly SMM 11402 (Miller 1971b). M. Pteranodon sp. UUPI R197 (Wiman 1920). N. Pteranodon longiceps? KUVP 2216 (formerly 976, undescribed). O. Pteranodon longiceps YPM 1177 (Marsh 1876a,b; holotype). P. Pteranodon longiceps? KUVP 2212 (Williston 1892). Q. Pteranodon ingens (P. marshi) YPM 2594 (Eaton 1910). R. Pteranodon sp. AMNH FR7515. S. Pteranodon sp. CMC VP 7203 (undescribed). T. Pteranodon walkeri, (sternbergi) KUVP 221 formerly FHSM 2851 (Miller 1972). U. Pteranodon sp. NMC41-358 (undescribed, the Triebold specimen; also see figure 2). V. Pteranodon sp. USNM 13868 (Bennett 1991).W. Pteranodon sternbergi? USNM 12167 (undescribed). X. Pteranodon longiceps? KUVP 27821 (Miller 1972a, Bennett 1991, 2001). Y. Pteranodon sternbergi FHSM VP 339 (originally SMM 5426, Harksen 1966) Z. Pteranodon longiceps? UALVP 24238 (undescribed and used with permission; also see figure 2).Z2. Pteranodon sp. AMNH 5099. Z3. Pteranodon kanzai. YPM 2473 (not employed in analysis). Z4. Pteranodon sp. YPM 2525. Scale bar = 40 cm. Z5. The Jenkins skull (private). Scleral rings added if drawn as circles. Ptweety, the juvenile Pteranodon ingens, is represented by all that is known of this private specimen. The Tanking-Davis specimen is also privately owned. |